Sunday, September 23, 2012

Legoland 2012

that's where he wanted to go for his birthday! gasp! not carsland?! nope. tha't actually him on that roller coaster. noa loves them. ever since he was 3 when his dad took him to Knott's for his birthday, he's always loved them. he had a blast. we stayed in carlsbad and went 2 days. it was perfect because he got to enjoy parts of the park that we sorta rushed through the first day. kava was actually pretty good. (sorry kava, you're not really travel material. well, you weren't. hopefully when you can read this, things have changed).

kainoa got to see lego ninjago stuff - which he is so into right now. he had a good time. kyks was a trooper going on baby rides with kava. she said she liked legoland after all.

well, kainoa had a great birthday! s i x! oh my!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Glad Kai enjoyed his bday. What cool parents he has! daw.....:) Love that kid.