Sunday, July 20, 2008

here comes the toothfairy!

kyks lost her tooth on friday! her very first one. she actually had 6 months to get her bottom teeth out because her permanent teeth are coming in (we lovingly call her shark teeth). the dentist said she could try and get them out, or he would in 6 months :( the girl ended up yanking that tooth out. she said it hurt, but whatever it takes to get the job done. one down, one to go.
and one of her brother copying her, of course. this is what he does when you ask him to show you his teeth.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

she's my honey baby....

she did it! kymora danced... my father in law turned 60 and got baptised so our family had a double celebration. usually kymora sits back and watches her cousins dance and put on a show. but for some reason, she decided to participated for her papa's birthday. she sang at church and then danced at the party. muelu and i were so proud of her. it's a really big deal to dance for your family. she did a tongan number with her cousins. mind you, the child learned it in one day.

we're so proud that she participated and broke out of her shell. i know she's usually very outgoing, but the ironic thing is, she doesn't like to be the center of attention. i'm so excited for her. not for dancing, but for the fact that dancing will lead her into getting excited about her culture. learn all about it and appreciate it.

she really did well. goooo kyks. :)
also, happy 60th to my father in law... he is a great man, and did a pretty darn good job raising his kids.

** side bar, pics are horrible. but oh well. someone got grease on my lens!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

i schwiiim...

that's exactly what kymora and kai did all weekend. swim. he loves to tell you 'i schwiiim'. the fourth was a nice day. we spent it with friends and lit up the streets of lakewood when the sun went down :)
saturday and sunday muelu blew up the pool and we bbq'd some steaks. it was a really nice weekend. no huge production, no big shin dig, just us, just relaxing.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

i see you...

this isn't a crouching tiger, kung fu panda pose... it's kainoa's new spot. every time we go to the bathroom, he 'hides' in this spot, waits for you to pass him, then jumps out and yells BOO! I SEE YOU! and, in these pj's he says 'budgs.. ewwwww!' (bugs, ewww!) so that's why i posted this pic. two stories, one pic.

he is really his daddy's little man. he's likes to do what daddy does.
he's a monster when he eats. kind of a messy/hungry/this will be my last bite ever style of eating. kinda like me, i guess :)

lots to share...

kymora's bday went well! her special day started off w/some home made breakfast. she finally got a pair of heely's for her birthday. she's been wanting them since she was 3, but she had to wait until she could fit a size 13. finally!! she's getting pretty good too :)
bowling was next on our agenda. she had a blast. the future of bowling above.

last stop, chens restaurant. her faaaaaaavorite. everyone had a lovely time. our evening was full of laughter and food. what a great combo!