Sunday, June 28, 2009

mixed bag


why did i almost have a heart attack when i saw this:
kymora has planted sunflowers:
a bloom!
kainoa is funny as heck:
he has us laughing all day. i don't want to type some of the stuff he says because i don't want to offend anyone ;) but seriously, i loooooove this age. he's almost 3.. sheesh.. they grow as fast as the sunflowers do. :(
oh, and finally he's potty trained!


Andrea said...

good post auts! love the sunflowers and i love my babies.
"what's on your mom's back?" "pooh" he says and slowly smiles. the kid is a crack up.

mama mi'an said...

thats it. i'm buying that camera before you guys get here. you've outdone yourself with the phase by phase pictures. b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l