Saturday, February 13, 2010

doing a lot of nothing

this week i was put on bed rest, so i've been home all week. this pregnancy is a bit hard on my body, so the doctor wants me to take it easy.
i have to say i love being home with my kids. i love all the mundane day to day things that have to be done... take kymora to and from school, make lunches, laundry, naps, play time, answering silly questions, baking, etc. i love it when kainoa wakes up and asks me, 'you gonna stay with me today'? when i say yes, his face lights up and he gives me a big hug. he understands that i don't have to go to work and i get to lounge with him all day.

i love waking up to him setting up his cars for the big race:

i love knowing what time his shows come on tv. i love having a routine with him.
and it's nice when kymora comes home from school there's still a lot of time to play outside, have a snack, do homework.... basically just hang out.

normally, by the time i get home its a rush to do homework, shower, dinner, etc. the days are spent w/me yelling at her to get stuff done. i just need to stop, take a breath, and enjoy whatever time w/the kids. soon, there will be a third and some ones time will get taken away from mommy :(


Papa said...

OK, enough of the enjoying ill health! Get back to work. JK! We are hoping you take good care of yourself and that the baby. Everything will be ok at work. Just take good care of your family.
- Merrill

mama mi'an said...

the tight line of cars must be the cutest thing to wake up to. second to the little black feet. :)