that's kainoa. today, we went outside to get in the car and my car was covered in water. the rain hit us hard this morning. kainoa was giggling with pure delight. he kept laughing and saying, mom, your car is wet! it's raining! i feel like this kid has never seen rain before. it just reminded me of how easily this boy is pleased. the simplest things really crack him up. it's so innocent, i love it.
at ralphs the other day he had to pull kymora into the aisle to point out some halloween decorations. he was just laughing and pointing at the skulls. 'ate, look! so funny!' i think i've deprived him. so, this weekend muelu and i decorated our house w/cobwebs, spiders, Dracula's, skulls, eyeballs.. the whole nine. when kainoa walked in he was amazed! he kept oohing and ahhing and giggling. later on that day he even thanked me and muelu for putting up 'spiderwoods'. wth. whatever that meant, the boy was truly please.. and happy. oh, gosh, please don't grow up. i love this stage.
i love my kai. he is easily amused like his mama. what's up with the curled lip, snarl and exorcist voice whenever he's mad. i cared.
:) good boy! he doesn't need anything fancy :)
good job auts and muelu. the amusement wont last long. might as well juice it while we can. before you know it, they'll be rolling their eyes at us.
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