Monday, January 26, 2009


the kids are/were sick all week. first kymora, then kainoa... he's still feeling pretty bad.
before they got sick, this is what they looked like:

kyks on her DS

during the sickies:
you can see their little eyes all swollen, sick looking :(
kymora is better now, so her and dad made sushi....

beautiful! the sushi and the maker :)


kater :) said...

tasty! you guys are making me sick! almost as cute as the waters family! :)

jamie said...

i loooove these pics!!! the change from healthy to sick makes me sad!! TB looks SOOO proud of his girl there. Ohhhh!

mama mi'an said...

:( so sad the kids didn't get to kick it with us and the waters. :( so sad we didnt get to enjoy the yummy looking sushi with you guys.

Celestine said...

i'm still waiting for my sushi to get faxed over, thanks :)

alicante said...

Kinoa is getting so big!!! I miss his hair! BTW you know that you live right next to Sushi West right?

mama mi'an said...

sometimes i just like to come here and look at pics of my son. hopefully we'll get an "all better" update and pics soon.

Andrea said...

what? did amihan adopt kainoa too? oh no she didn't :)
didn't get any sushi bethie brought home that day. that was the day me and freddie boy were also on the pot.

Andrea said...

btw, does kai have any clothes that doesn't have a car on it? and you thought he would outgrow it.