Sunday, July 20, 2008

here comes the toothfairy!

kyks lost her tooth on friday! her very first one. she actually had 6 months to get her bottom teeth out because her permanent teeth are coming in (we lovingly call her shark teeth). the dentist said she could try and get them out, or he would in 6 months :( the girl ended up yanking that tooth out. she said it hurt, but whatever it takes to get the job done. one down, one to go.
and one of her brother copying her, of course. this is what he does when you ask him to show you his teeth.


kater :) said...

awww...shes still beautiful. i gotta come see them! i wanna schwim!

mama mi'an said...

how much you get kyks? if its over $1, don't tell tala. kiss kiss.

jamie said...

i love his hair :) oh and sooo proud of the tooth, haha! can't believe she yanked it out. she's kinda tough :)

Unknown said...

cute! this is the age when they give you the funkiest looking smiles. like it's so forced. why do they do that???

Jenn said...

lookin at the pics...makes me want to say cheeeeeeeeeeeeeese! too cute!

Celestine said...

hahahaha "we lovingly call her shark teeth"