Wednesday, January 23, 2008

words that start with 's'

you guys know what his first word was... but a few weeks ago, kainoa walked up to me, brought me his shoes and said 'shoes'... it was so cute. he loves these shoes because he can make noise with the velcro. right now, he's sick, again. he has 4 molars coming in at the same time. talk about timing. so, yes, that is his extended vocab.. an expletive and shoe.. what a genius.


jamie said...

him and els would get along so well! i love his hair so much! Hope hes' better soon!

mama mi'an said...

mmmm, maybe he can give laya lessons on the 'ssss' sound... cuz she's got a hard core lisp going on right now.

kiss kiss cutie!

Celestine said...

is he feeling better yet? because he wasn't looking so hot at my dad's party ): poor thing!
and i knew he was gonna turn out like me, because i have those same vans hehe (:

miss all of you!