Wednesday, December 5, 2007

rewind to oct 31

it's been so long. lets go back, waaay back, to halloween that is. my kids were superheroes for halloween.

meet spidey
and super girl

my family came over (changing daisy tradition) and they had a good time.
a lot has happened for us the last month. we have moved and during that process, i can't find my camera adapter. the one from the comp to the camera. so again my blogging is lagged and put to a halt. any ideas on what i can do? please let me know.

i hope, more to come.


jamie said...

but you made it online, right? :)
hmm i am sure you can buy a new cord.
kids look adorable in their costumes!!!

Jenn said...

CA-UTE superheroes you have :) they both look SO excited!! too cute! i know i have yet to blog on halloween..heheh :)

mama mi'an said...

beautiful children you have...

alicante said...

I love the costumes!!! Saving mom and dad one day at a time! moved? Why do we live the closest yet seem to be the least in touch? Update me foo!