Wednesday, September 2, 2009

summer luvin'

happened so fast! ;) where did 2009 summer go?

kymora is in 2nd grade. she's got so many new teeth :( she looks completely different. no more baby teeth, no more baby face. she recently had 4 teeth removed like a champ.

kainoa is going to be 3. this picture is the cutest to me. even though they fight, they love each other so much. i think this picture says a lot about their relationship. funny, kainoa adores his sister so much. but she, welllll, she tolerates him. lol
(that's her flicking his head, btw)

i can't believe summer is over. no more late nights, movies, sleeping in, quick trips to santa maria, or where ever, no more bbqs, no more kids home all day. ;(


Andrea said...

good post. these pics are cool indeed.

jamie said...

hate when summer's over too :( can't believe we didn't see each other at all this summer. we suck.