today my boy turned 3 :) i'm overjoyed that he is getting bigger, but at the same time, my heart breaks. you guys know how i feel about my kids getting older. bitter sweet.
this boy is my sweet baby boy. so much different from girls. from kymora. his speech isn't the best, but i think we over look that because we WANT him to still be a baby. he is definitely a true little boy. he loves cars and trucks, dirt and mud. he plays in the back yard by himself in shorts and no shoes. he's fearless. he loves dogs. his laugh is goofy. his feet smell like boy. he smiles big when he knows he is in trouble, and i give in, and look away. for some reason this kid melts my heart.
kainoa, happy birthday luv. my baby boy, 3 today... we love you soo much!
Another good post. Happy birthday to my favorite three year old. I looooooove my kai kai.
oh my gosh. that first pic to the last pic, gives me goosebumps, mama!!!!
he melts my hear too. happy belated kainoa.
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