during this way overrated holiday i find myself rolling my eyes when i hear people talk about their plans on how they are going to 'romance' their significant other, cringe when i see stores bombarded with valentine balloons, candy, flowers, i change the station when i hear cheesy love songs....this man made holiday is really not for me. and every year, i try to make it a holiday that would rank right up there with christmas. and you know what? it just doesn't. don't get me wrong, i'm a hopeless romantic who dreams go growing old w/my husband, but valentine's day? are you serious? the crowds.. the over-spending.... yah, not for me. although i am not a valentine's day girl, i still want to acknowledge my sweetheart.. teehee...
so, happy valentine's day to mah man mah man... i'm more thankful for the fact that he takes care of his family and shows us love everyday. not just today. he did give his favorite girl a box of chocolates just to remind her that she is in fact, his favorite girl. yes, they were for kymora.. :)
bubba got a box too... that way he wasn't left out. although muelu almost bought him reese's peanut butter cups, forgetting that the boy is deathly allergic to peanuts. way to go.
i've rambled enough. so, anyway happy valentine's day to all you couple's out there... (eye rolling) have fun tonight!!
i wish i felt the way you did about v-day. but you know my sensitive ass needs attention! no baby sitter tonight, i'm gonna take Sam out on a date!
why do you sound as jaded as i do? and you have a man who is the father of your two children. yes sister, everyday should be valentine's day.
i didnt know K was allergic to peanuts!
you crack me up. love these pics. i almost believe you are almost a hopeless romantic, you rock.
i could totally see yu rolling yo eyes!
i didn't know K was allergic to peanuts either :(
i'll have to remember:kyks allergic to peanuts and kai kai loves cheetos :)
kiddos are getting BIG!
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