one more month and this guy is a year and a half. almost half way to 2 years old. where did the months go? every now and then me and muelu go through pictures of the kids. we crack up at how kainoa was losing his hair in big patches and to look at his mop now you'd never know. kainoa is such a sweetheart. he really pulls at your heart strings. he's not scared to let my friends or distant relatives hold him. he still likes to snuggle right in my neck. a true luv bug who is almost 2.
ps- yah, tried to do this in photoshop.. psshh, i need practice and words of wisdom from my 2 talented cousins..
i can't believe my boy is almost two. MY boy. so sweet and luscious.
oh man. 2?! i cant wait to see him!
awwww but didn't he just turn 1?? lol.
i HEART him.
(like hawaiian cake)
awwww...snuggle bug :)
Yeah...I heard how snuggly he was tryin to get to Alexa and she wasn't haven it...lol!
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