this is my big girl. i can't believe she is in kindergarten. she totally loves her new school. she's made friends: chloe, sonoko, and sophie. throw in kymora and you've got an odd bunch of names. she can go all the way across the monkey bars now, with out help, she plays in the sandbox and makes 'clay'. which really means she's playing in mud. two boys called her 'babe' and her dad told her to threaten them with a black eye. so i guess school is good. i'm just glad she adjusted.
a chloe and sophie? white friends??? :) LOOOVE the pic. she's so prettttty. love the little tidbits on how she's playing. cuuute.
only kindy? man, i thought she'd be graduating high school by now... i always forget how young she is... her 'tude is just too much for her age. sometimes i wanna call her and gossip about my wkend happenings. :)
congrats on the monkey bar accomplishments kyks!
can she get any prettier? *sigh* wow. rosie and lolo must be in love all over again. all muelu needs to do is have a talk with some of those boys. that will calm them down.
she looks so growd up !! awww...kinder at "big school". how exciting!
i'll be expecting my copy in the mail (:
love you! miss you! she needs to stop growing and having boys call her "babe".
beautiful kymora :) glad to hear she's met some new friends and enjoying school!
girl, ditto on what mama mihan said..i forget how young she really is (miss 5 going on 15)
good job on the monkey bars kymora :)
btw, wish i could of saw papa muelu's face when he found out about the two boys calling kymora 'babe'
yep...it's all downhill from there. First it's "babe" then it's "can I go to the movies?"...Meulu and Paul should get together and talk about their guns. Remember that scene in Bad Boys II when they scare that little boy to death when he comes to pick up his girl? ha ha ha that shit is gonna be our men girl...lol
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