what happened to my quiet baby boy? i don't know, but i think this kid ate him. here he is 'crying' to get out of the crib. 5 seconds later, here he is smiling, or should i say laughing at me for being a sucker. 
he is such a crack up. still not walking, still has 6 teeth. but, command him to dance and his shoulders pop like no tomorrow. remember the boy who was a skinny little baby? yah, well he's gone too. kainoa is a little chubster who loves to eat EVERYTHING, twice.
oh, and yes, this post is dedicated to my cousin mihan. which is why i pose the question, 'is it in the genes?' sunday afternoon, i found my kyks like this.
kinda looks like this, doesn't it?

maybe she reads tita mihan's blog at night and decided to sleep malaya style. lol :) btw, happy 31st pinsan.
awwwww he's just asserting himself, mama! :) i wanna see him dance! love the kyks pic- LOL!
yes it's in the genes. kai is bipolar just like the rest of his crazy titas and titos and the picture of kyky and malaya proves that theory.
he is a chub. i almost didn't recognize him yesterday. :)
kai is SO BIG! ... he got hair now and everything!... can we get a youtube clip of him dancing?
haha! hilarious. yes, it must be in the genes. btw, can malaya get dibs on that long purple skirt?
hahaha els just walked by and saw his crying pics and did a fake whine cry. LOL
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