Friday, July 27, 2007

attack of the mini me's...

then .....
and now...

this week was pretty nice. tuesday, i played hookie and hung out with my cousins. my tummy twin, mihan and her girls were down from the biggity bay. for some reason, the only time i see my other cousins is when ming comes down. sad since jenn, jame and chanda only live 20ish mins from me.

it was so nice being with my lovely cousins and the kids. we spent the day at the park where they had a little water area. the kids got along perfectly. it reminds me of when i was young and all i wanted to do was be with amihan and jamie. we were like the 3 musketeers. we got in trouble together, laughed together, cried together- they were like my sisters. we kind of lost touch during our early twenties, but now that we are all settled with kids, we are close again. i'm so glad that our kids have an opportunity to grow up together and be close like we were.

it's nostalgic when we sit back and watch our kids play together. it doesn't seem that long ago when we spent our summers together at tito art's pool. girls, we should make more time for each other!!!

jenn and jame's offspring trying to dodge the infamous bucket of water...

jae, malaya, tala and kymora... aka mini jenn, mini ming's and mini auts
els and kainoa ... she was so sweet to him. she was playing with him, picking up the water bottle every time it fell and she was even 'feeding' him.. hahaa.

kyks watching sam ... they loved that bucket!

**where's kira?! i don't have any pics of her!! sorry kira :(

Friday, July 20, 2007


happy birthday, tatay! today my dad turned 58. i am so thankful that i have a father like him. my dad is the best grandfather EVVVVVVVVVER. he is always willing to spend time with my kids, always going out of his way so that he can see them, or take them for the day or even the weekend! he teaches them things that i can't. like who the rolling stones were, the beatles, smokey robinson. takes them for walks to the beach, the park, and who can forget fridays when they go to the Farmer's Market. he truly spoils the kids, but hey, that's what grandparents are for. and my kids are lucky to have 2 sets that really love and enjoy them. so, thanks tay for being so wonderful... we love you! happy birthday FREDDY SUNSHINE :)

*pls excuse blurry old shot.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

you're how old?

on actors-
kymora: mom, she is really nice.
mom: how do you know?
kymora: rosie told me. i really like her.
everytime we see that stupid pet commercial, kymora tells me how much she likes Betty White. heh?!

on music-
kymora: mom, can you play Daniel, i love that song.
mom: Daniel , by Elton John?!
this kid cracks me up. what 5 year old likes Betty White and Elton John? my kid, i guess.

i swear, she is a 50 year old in a 5 year old's body.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

10 months crept by, along with other things....

the countdown continues... 2 more months and my boy is a year old! i took these shots of kainoa cracking up on kymora's bday. this kid laughs so hard at anything. he loves that spoon he is holding and loves to EAT. yah baby! he's got 3.5 teeth coming out and recently stopped sucking his thumb. (i know jame, weird) i think it's because of his teeth.... maybe he's not getting the same effect? anyway, he tries to suck it and it doesn't pacify him like it used to, so he just pulls it out. kinda sucks for us both since i relied on that to get him to sleep. now, i have to rock/hold him to sleep... it's nice, but i have to admit, I MISS THAT THUMB! Ha!

kymora has had a pretty good summer: knotts, las vegas, SWIMMING GALORE... and recently she does this.
when she hears the sprinklers at 9pm come on, she plays in them. she looks crazy dancing and singing in the dark, in the sprinklers. it's kinda funny. she sings ' i looooooooove to get wet, i loooooooooove to get wet'. my neighbors probably think i neglect my children. lol

oh, and this. my sweetie malea called me out of the blue yesterday just to tell me she missed kainoa. love that she has such a big heart for my kids. like i said mem, you can call me anytime and i'll pick you up to come over. :)

Friday, July 6, 2007


i came across these pics of kymroa on her 2nd bday. i can't believe how fast time with her has gone. when i find pictures like this, i am reminded to stop, enjoy my kids, and soak it all in. soon kainoa will be 1, then 2, 3, 4.... before i know it, they'll be teenagers. so when i look at pictures like this, i realize that i love my kids so much that my heartaches.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

me and tb

i do. oh, whoops, not my wedding ;) chris (jamie's hubby) took this pic of me and tb (teddy bear.. lol) at ray's wedding. love her pics....