the countdown continues... 2 more months and my boy is a year old! i took these shots of kainoa cracking up on kymora's bday. this kid laughs so hard at anything. he loves that spoon he is holding and loves to EAT. yah baby! he's got 3.5 teeth coming out and recently stopped sucking his thumb. (i know jame, weird) i think it's because of his teeth.... maybe he's not getting the same effect? anyway, he tries to suck it and it doesn't pacify him like it used to, so he just pulls it out. kinda sucks for us both since i relied on that to get him to sleep. now, i have to rock/hold him to sleep... it's nice, but i have to admit, I MISS THAT THUMB! Ha!
kymora has had a pretty good summer: knotts, las vegas, SWIMMING GALORE... and recently she does this.

when she hears the sprinklers at 9pm come on, she plays in them. she looks crazy dancing and singing in the dark, in the sprinklers. it's kinda funny. she sings ' i looooooooove to get wet, i loooooooooove to get wet'. my neighbors probably think i neglect my children. lol

oh, and this. my sweetie malea called me out of the blue yesterday just to tell me she missed kainoa. love that she has such a big heart for my kids. like i said mem, you can call me anytime and i'll pick you up to come over. :)
10 monthes baddy? already? hes gettin so big. i gotta come chek yall out. when r u NOT busy?
is kymora throwing up the west side sign? haha!
kainoa is a hoot... "no pictures please"
can't wait to see the babies!!!!!!!!
WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT happened to the thumb??! OMG! rocking to sleep? you sap! :P
looove that k goes out in the sprinklers at night. LOL!
crazy kids!! only yu can have the strangest ones :) my malea is sweet i must say. she is a diamond in the rough. every few days, she asks if she can go see kai kai because she's having withdrawals.
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