this week was pretty nice. tuesday, i played hookie and hung out with my cousins. my tummy twin, mihan and her girls were down from the biggity bay. for some reason, the only time i see my other cousins is when ming comes down. sad since jenn, jame and chanda only live 20ish mins from me.
it was so nice being with my lovely cousins and the kids. we spent the day at the park where they had a little water area. the kids got along perfectly. it reminds me of when i was young and all i wanted to do was be with amihan and jamie. we were like the 3 musketeers. we got in trouble together, laughed together, cried together- they were like my sisters. we kind of lost touch during our early twenties, but now that we are all settled with kids, we are close again. i'm so glad that our kids have an opportunity to grow up together and be close like we were.
it's nostalgic when we sit back and watch our kids play together. it doesn't seem that long ago when we spent our summers together at tito art's pool. girls, we should make more time for each other!!!

kyks watching sam ... they loved that bucket!
**where's kira?! i don't have any pics of her!! sorry kira :(
i love you!!! i just love you!!!! you are doing so good with your camera auts. :) i forgot to look at it, but it's looking good. ;)
I had soooo much fun!:) we so have to do this again! and often! love that we got to hang out, loved it even more that the kids play so well together and bonded....when they see eachother, there are no shy moments...it's all smiles, hugs and loves, as if they just saw eachother yesterday! it makes me sooo happy to see that..i hope they stay close as we did as well as hang when they have their kids :) my pinsans, my bff's I love YU's! :)
Wish I would've told the bride to hold on and shove it! I totally missed out! Ahhh...Aut's it sucks that we don't get together as often as we should! You're more like 10 minutes away!
you stole my idea of stealing jamie's scrap pic at venice! :)
yes! fun times with all the kiddies. elsie feeding kainoa some grass was the sweetest!
jay saw the venice pic and said cracking up...." i remember that pic, that was at venice and they all got matching outfits from costco..hahahahah"
costco? who would've known?...ya'll look cute! :) hehe
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