or does it even matter?
up until this point, i knew this child was mine... until, last night. we gave him food for the first time (well, rice cereal) and well, you tell me if you think he liked it.
he willingly gives it a try...

he isn't sure what he thinks of it... still on the fence if you will...

he has made up his mind...

not only does he not like it, he looks terrified of it. is there hope? will he come around? i hope so, because the salanoa's looove to eat. he will stick out like a sore thumb at dinner if this keeps up.

he shows absolutely no interest. i'll give him time.
* side note - kainoa had his 4 month check up, he's 15 lbs. (that wont change if he keeps up this hunger strike), 26", and according to Dr. Chen, has 'biiiiig feet'.
awww, he can't NOT eat! thats just not right. when can you give him those jar foods? kai has a bury big feet! LMAO
awwwww! guess he's not a true porky like els-- she gulped it right up. :)
i'm sure he'll get it. esp once you give him some yummies... this weekend?! :)
i don't know auts... thats what YOU look like right after grubbin... all drooly and stuff. :)
no worries... my lil filisamoan will soon catch up.
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