this weekend the salanoa family attended 3, yes, 3 birthday parties. the first one was our good friend Tia. He turned 1 on Monday but had his party Saturday. a lot of kymora's friends were at the party. from L to R:

april, jadyn, kymora, nerissa and jade.
kymora and her best friend jadie:

i know this weekend is just a preview of this summer. our lives become overwhelmed with parties. kainoa did pretty well. a little fussy, but overall was a good little baby.
so i said he retired on the finger sucking and graduated to the THUMB:

we moved on to little jared's birthday, then cousin rueben's 17th. the night ended at 9:30 pm for us. what a day. can't wait for summer :)
a couple more of the kids partying the day away....

so that's why you stopped blogging? you're busy with parties? sheesh. :)
why does K look soooo old here? omg. she's gorgeous, auts.
Beautiful babies. Pretty soon Kai will have his whole hand in his mouth.Too much partying - No wonder you don't have time to "train" for our marathon.
pretty soon, but not TOO soon, both kymora and kainoa will be out partying all night long :)
and it looks like someone's photography skills are advancing :)
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