the salanoa clan had back to back family fun! tuesday we made veggie pizza's. this was a family first. kymora was a big help in the kitchen- putting sauce on the crust, sprinkling cheese and veggies. it was a good way to get her to eat veggies that she usually doesn't eat. she was excited to sample her 'cooking'. that's one thing that girl looooves to do- 'cook' in the kitchen. she loves to help out with food preparation and cooking in general. i hope it's something that will last with her as she gets older. as for the pizza, it came out pretty good, to my surprise ;) more shots of her helping out.

the finished product:

umm umm goood!
our second family first was uno! kymora got a deck of uno cards in her stocking from Santa this christmas. she's played before and got the concept pretty well. we gave it a whirl on wednesday and had a blast! she won the first game, followed by daddy and daddy again. as for me, well, lets just say cards isn't my game :)
the winning shot:

we had a such a good time that we declared thursday nights 'FAMILY GAME NIGHT'! thank god for tivo, or i'd miss grey's. not that that's more important than my family .. ;) a few more pics of the kids....
kainoa's poker face- he sure can bluff!

passed out from all the partying!!!
family night is always FUN! good idea about the veggie pizza..jaeden loves pizza, but not veggies =( let's see if we can change that ;)
the pic of kainoa holding the uno cards is so cute! heheh
Uno is one of jaeden's fave games (until she got her nintendo DS)and started playing at ky's age..now since she's "so good at it" she wants to get the other uno games they have out..heheh
i challenge y'all to a game of uno. that's my game! i want the attack one!
mmm Kymora! that pizza looks delish!!!! says I who just chowed down a burrito- dang! :)
loove the Kainoa card shot.. so serious.. love the cards upside down. :)
and OMG i love love the sleeping shot!!!!!! he looks so serene.. and she looks alll into her sleep. :) does that make sense at all? lollollol..
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