so this fatty is now 4 months old :) he is getting so big so fast. my cousin jamie blogs about her kids milestones on a monthly basis (well, elsie anyway:) so, yes, call me copy cat, i'm doing the same thing. kainoa is into scratching the heck out of his head when he is tired. he looooves it when you do it for him. he'll fall asleep in 10 seconds w/a little head rubbing. still likes his fingers, but not as much as before. sleeps pretty good through the night. if i nurse him at around 5 am he'll stay asleep until 8 or 9... sorry jame.. ;) he 'tells long stories', talks to his toys, and reaches and grabs for them. he see's the dr. on monday, so i'll know how much he weighs and his length. he is a giggler and smiles so much.
here he is staring at his toys in amazement/shock:

he has earned the nicknames kaikai, noa, snarfle(when he was sick), bubba, sonny bunny, surf (was sir, but then evolved to surf.. i know..), and bubba fart, thanks to his sister.
he's a getting bigger everyday, showing signs of toddlerism around the corner. i love it. till next time....

So sweet! You forgot just Kai. That's what his real mommy calls him. Don't hate!
Happy 4 months Kainoa =) SooOOOooo CUTE! =) Getting big too fast! :)
auts, he is so seriously CUTE. mmmm!!!!! love him! love all the nicknames! :) snarfle! hehe! annnnd thanks for the sleep update. :)
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