i get up this morning to my usual routine. wake up late, quick shower, little time spent on grooming (make up/hair), dress in the dark, wake up kymora, change kainoa's diaper, grab last minute things, pack up the kids and leave. i drop them off at my mom's house where she does the dirty work. 1. coax kymora into getting her uniform on 2. beg kymora to brush her teeth 3. feed kymora 4. listen to her whine while her hair is being combed. all this happens while i'm listening to ryan seacrest on the radio, sipping my coffee (that my mom brewed for me), driving to work. my mom lets me drop off my kids at her house at butt-crack 630 am, while she gets them ready for the day, so that i can get to work by 7 am. the big picture- my mom lets me do this so that i can get home early enough to spend time w/my family. if i went in at a normal time (830 am) i wouldn't be home until after 6. that's just not enough time to be w/my kids, my husband. for this i am ever so thankful. i couldn't do half of the stuff i wanted to do or need to do if it wasn't for my mom. don't get me wrong, muelu helps out a lot, but he works too. my mother is the primary example of unconditional love and being agreat mother. i am so thankful that she is in my life. i guess we are never too old to need our mommies. i only hope that i can be just like my mom.
so my not-so-baby-cousin april turned 21 on 11/20. who is going to take her out? yes, her 30 year old cousin. i don't think i am prepared for what i am about to witness tonight with her being legal and all... but i guess let the good times roll. more evidence that i am getting old. i'm going out with april...:) but i do love her oh-so-much, so i'm glad she wants me to be one of the first to christen her adultness. bring on the patron. (for all my aunts reading this, i'm just kidding. we will only be drinking water ;)
Just water, huh? At least bring a paper bag and a towel. TMI, TMI....
omg! you are getting soooo sappy on me. :) loove the post about your mom. so sweet. and have fun tonight you party animal!
That's awesome you want to spend so much time with your family -- I feel the love. :)
awwww...gotta love rosie girl for that unconditional love. she keeps them boys on rock rock!
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