kymora had her cousins over- jaeden and malaya. tita jenn decided to have a make over party (libby lu style). this made me realize 2 things... 1. i am not in a rush for her to become a teenager 2. she is growing up F A S T. the painted toenails, fake hair piece, lip gloss - i'm not ready for it. i don't want my baby to become the inevitable, a teenager, a woman. i know it's years away, i know it'll be awhile, but i also know it'll come before i know it. i want to enjoy her. my baby. my 4 year old.

dude! you're journaling like a pro. you'll be caught up in no time.. what only one entry today? :)
yaay i made a blogspot, too! i did have a xanga, but that's soo middle school :) love you! and yes- kymora, kainoa, and junior and eliza (my cousin ate cindy's babies) need to stop this whole "growing up" thing.
love you! did you find out when the parade is??
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