just to get into the holiday spirit, i thought i'd post in red :0) today is friday, only 3 days until christmas. hopefully, most of you have all your christmas shopping done. today is also my little cousin vihna's birthday. happy 17th birthday v!!! we love you :) *oops, it's raelord's bday. well, happy bday raelord, we love you.. ;) shoot, happy bday to both of you....
when i was young, i used to count down the days until christmas came. only because i knew i'd get a TON of gifts. i remember not even being able to see over the mound of gifts i would get. they would literally form a wall around me because i got so many. what could i say, i was a spoiled little girl. my family took care of me. every year, i was hooked up. that is until all my aunts decided to procreate and have babies galore. you know who you are you thunderstealers. anyway, i noticed every year my pile would decrease until that ill fateful day came when i would get maybe 2 gifts. and one would be from my mom and the other my secret santa. wtf. well, now that i'm 30 i'm semi over it. (still a little bitter inside, but oh well) anywho, its kind of fun to be the one giving gifts now. the thunderstealers are the now the recipients of the presents galore (although, might i add, no one, NOT EVEN TUBBS GONZALES, got as many gifts as i did. ha! i win again!)
i know that christmas isn't about gifts. it's about family. some may say it's more of a religious experience, and that's fine too. but this year i'm taking the time to reflect on how blessed i am. i have a wonderful family, beautiful kids, a husband that loves us to death, the best aunts, uncles and cousins, great parents and inlaws... we are truly lucky. so from my family to yours (even though its mainly family reading this) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! LOVE YOU ALL ...