sooooooooo, i finally joined weight watchers last night with my fellow fatties: jason aka jRo, katy aka katiebird.... i stepped on the scale and lemme just say this, wow wow weee. i'm really excited this time. i don't know why, maybe i'm just tired of my back fat jiggling when i hit a speed bump, or maybe i'm tired of my stomach hurting from my pants being too tight, or maybe i'm just tired of people mistaking me for tita ellen. i'm just tired of being a fat assssssssssss.
i'm glad my old, fat crew is there w/me to support me (although support could mean 'kick you when you are down' to jason). it's on now. i have 2 weddings to attend this summer- ray and camille, katy and jabari- and new clothes that are calling my name. mark my word, i will be 40 lbs lighter, well maybe 30-35, by this summer.
i am bringing sexy back.
Yay! Aut's! I know yu can do this..yu did it before, yu can do it again =) let's run..yeah?
lol whooooo in the world mistook you for tita ellen??
what are you talking about "bringing sexy BACK??" it NEVER left! we're bringing sexIER back. shoots brah.
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