Wednesday, September 12, 2012

kava ...opposite of how he normally is ;)

I love this series of kava. we just woke up and the light was perfect. thank goodness for my iphone. i really need to take my camera out more.

kava.... he's about 22 months in these pictures. he's a hoot. he loves power rangers and his brother. don't get me wrong, he loves kymora but there is definitely a bond forming with the boys. they fight, play, love all day. i love watching them and their relationship grow.

kava still is a good eater, but he is dirty as heck. food, dirt, milk all on his face all day. his hair is curly so if he plays too much he gets dreads. i can't skip on giving this kid a bath, it's just nasty.

no, he's not potty trained, no he doesn't know his abcs, no he doesn't know all of his colors.. oh well. but he sure does comprehend.. and he's my baby.... last baby.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love those pics. Wow! Told you he was cute! :)