they started school. kainoa had kymora's kindy teacher who we love. and kymora got a relatively new teacher.
kainoa did great on his first day. if i recall correctly, he told me shoo fly shoo.. bye mom. he did a good job remembering how to write his name and he even drew a nice picture of himself.
i think he'll be just fine.
kymora has more responsibilities this year. she was nervous about this new teacher, but ended up liking her policies. kymora has to apply for a 'job' in class. gone are the days that the kids get to volunteer to be teacher's assistant office runner. she had to fill out an application (so glad she decided to apply for a job :) explaining her strengths and why she is qualified. she even had to get 2 references. they get paid out in their school dollars that they can save for treats or a party. not too shabby. i hope she gets it!
best part about this year, 2 of my kids are at the same school! yay!!
good luck, guys. we know you'll do great.
Hooray for blog updates :)
And the pictures are looking good! What lens are you using now? I asked Vinha for her and CJ to be my sugardaddies so I could get a new lens lol.
And wait- Kymora turns 10 this year?!
nice post, cute kids and check out your boot camp bod. Wow sister!! Kai is the cutest in class, I must say.
love the life details. reminds me i need to blog before i forget.
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