Monday, September 19, 2011

party time!

kainoa's 5th birthday was 'awesome', he said :)
we threw out the normal menu and had simple stuff- taco man, burgers, potato salads, and chips. we did get the occasional, 'no pancit? no bbq?'. no. we just got the stuff kainoa loves.
we got a huge jumper, invited his 'boys', played some games and had a blast. he had so much fun. if you know me at all, you know i'm a freak about food (mmm, not necessarily for me though..) well, on birthdays, my kids can eat whatever they want. let's just say kainoa had a lollipop for breakfast and had cookies for dinner. he was lovin' life.

we had family and friends, and that's all he needed.

kainoa's 5!

kainoa you are officially 5!

there's less baby talk. less baby toys. less baby shows. when did get so big so fast? you still love to snuggle with mommy. you still ask me to scratch your back, kiss your owies, rub your tummy, read to you, and carry you. i gladly oblige. your are half my size, yet still my baby.

i love your imagination. you play by yourself talking (or fighting) with your toys. you've ventured out in the food world as well. you eat salads, have tried sushi (not really lovin' it), and looove chocolate milk.

it's been a pleasure watching you grow up. do me a favor and don't do it so fast though.

we love you so much. happy 5th birthday, my bubba.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

how to cope in 90 degree heat

WATER HOSE! this week it was so hot. the thermostat INSIDE my house read 90 degrees. outside.. who knows.

the kids were miserable after school, so naturally, daddy turns on the water hose for some good clean fun (pun intended ;)

kava not sure of the water..


he likes it...

he loved the water so much. he thought he hit the jack pot when he found this:

it was too funny...

Monday, September 5, 2011

kindergarten and 4th grade... oh my

they started school. kainoa had kymora's kindy teacher who we love. and kymora got a relatively new teacher.

kainoa did great on his first day. if i recall correctly, he told me shoo fly shoo.. bye mom. he did a good job remembering how to write his name and he even drew a nice picture of himself.
i think he'll be just fine.

kymora has more responsibilities this year. she was nervous about this new teacher, but ended up liking her policies. kymora has to apply for a 'job' in class. gone are the days that the kids get to volunteer to be teacher's assistant office runner. she had to fill out an application (so glad she decided to apply for a job :) explaining her strengths and why she is qualified. she even had to get 2 references. they get paid out in their school dollars that they can save for treats or a party. not too shabby. i hope she gets it!

best part about this year, 2 of my kids are at the same school! yay!!

good luck, guys. we know you'll do great.

16 months!

kava is 16 months this september. i swear he has grown over night. not that long ago dr. chen said he was under weight. uh, i beg to differ now. he's grown significantly from his 1 year check up. he really understands what we say/ask. kava, get your socks (off the floor of course), kava bring me your bottle (yes, he is still on one), kava don't hit your sister/brother/cousin/stranger... and he listens.

he is all over the place. walking, climbing, running, crying, laughing all in about 5 minutes. he loves giving kisses. and we gladly accept them ;)

i know with all your kids, each one is different. with kymora, my worry was her learning her abc's, counting, colors, with kainoa my worry was him hurting himself, with kava, my worry is keeping him in one piece. i heard someone say our kids job is to kill themselves, our job as parents is to keep them alive. amen! kava has given me a run for my money ;) but i love it.