he almost pee'd in his pants when we were crossing the street to the theater. you know how hollywood does it- big. real big.
after the 3d festivities, they escort us to hollywood high's football field where it is cars mania. they recreated the scenes for the kids. it was so funny because kainoa couldn't really say anything while we were entering. he was in awe. or shock. i'm not sure. but he realllly loved it. we shut the place down at almost midnight. he did not want to leave. it was so cute because when he saw the main character, lightning mcqueen, i think he thought he was real. he's got a great imagination. i hope that sticks.
they had legos to build cars and race them:
the race:
glad you had a great time, buddy... we love you
(sorry kava.. you were too little ;)
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