Monday, August 22, 2011

summer 2011

this summer went by so fast. this is the summer before my little man, kainoa starts kindergarten at his sister's school. kava turned 1, and kymora's last summer before turning double digits.

we had a great summer. we swam a lot. went to the beach (finally!). lots and lots of bike rides, bbq's. went to sea world and carlsbad. movies at the park, basically lots of stuff i've been wanting to cross of my 'things i want to do w/the kids' list ;)

this year, i could only take off 1 week. luckily, muelu's schedule allows him to be home at least 3 times during the week. he really made their summer worthwhile. i'm glad one of us could do fun stuff with the kids this year.

i really am cherishing these summers with the kids, as kids. i love hearing 'mommy do you haaaave to work tomorrow?' i love that they just want to be with me. even if it's just to sit at home and watch movies and eat big sticks. that's what we do and that's what we love to do. just spend time together, laughing. next summer will be a whole different world of posts. i pay a little more attention now when people say, 'they grow fast. enjoy it'. that's exactly what i plan to do.

kava the explorer

typical of a 15 month old. he loves to be outside. loves to explore. loves to play with dirt. loves to eat grass. yes, he does. grass, leaves, and one time, i thought a poisonous mushroom. i guess when i said he isn't a picky eater.. i wasn't kidding.

love this one... he's backing up properly

playing in the nasty water

and now the nasty cement

and now caught him a crock for dinner.. lol

kava literally keeps me on my toes. him and kainoa are starting to become super boys. i can't wait to see how this relationship develops.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

my kava cake

mr. cupcake kavacake. he is 15 months today. this little guy is a ball of energy. he never, ever stops moving.
he's a pro at saying 'mom..maaa..maaamaaaa..mommyyyy' muelu says he said 'mine' the other day, but i have yet to hear it ;)

he's my sweetheart. he's quite independent and curious. he's the focus of the older two's attention. they love him so much. just like mommy and daddy do!

(got this pic from his fabulous cousin addy's cool hello kitty party!!)

best day ever-for noa

we took kainoa and kyks to for a little surprise trip. cars 2 at el capitan theater. you guys all know kainoa is the biggest cars fan (still) out there.

he almost pee'd in his pants when we were crossing the street to the theater. you know how hollywood does it- big. real big.

after the 3d festivities, they escort us to hollywood high's football field where it is cars mania. they recreated the scenes for the kids. it was so funny because kainoa couldn't really say anything while we were entering. he was in awe. or shock. i'm not sure. but he realllly loved it. we shut the place down at almost midnight. he did not want to leave. it was so cute because when he saw the main character, lightning mcqueen, i think he thought he was real. he's got a great imagination. i hope that sticks.

they had legos to build cars and race them:



the race:

glad you had a great time, buddy... we love you

(sorry kava.. you were too little ;)

pool side

kymora had a few birthday celebrations this year (as usual). my mom got her a cabana pool side for her birthday. i swear my children are fish. they will be the first one in the pool and the last ones out. no matter the weather, they will stay in the water.

we had a great day. the waitress brought out food, drinks, and a cake. my mom's side was there relaxin' all day.

kava found the balloons more interesting after a while...
she was super happy :)

doin' the togan siva!

kyks danced for her cousin's graduation... a togan number. this girl likes to dance, but she'll only do it for family. she did a great job ;)
