my kava boy is just a few weeks shy of turning one...
i just had to post these pics of him. so cute. the boy loves gabba gabba.
he does the hand motion to the infamous, 'i have 2 hands' and claps at the appropriate time. he pretends he has phone and tries to talk on it. one of my favs: he gives high fives :) and below he is making noises with his hand. genius, i say... genius.
we love our kava cakes....
those are some good pics! he's actually awake and interacting with the camera, wow! :) i love my kava cakes, too. awww.....
Inara loves Yo Gabba Gabba too! So thank you for the birthday gift idea :D
auts you're so good at documenting every step of the kids lives. i need to get on it.
kava, please sing this song for me when i see you, i cant wait!
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