that's what kainoa wants to change his name to. that was as of last friday. oh, and he wants to name his dog (that we don't have) Super Dog. that's all.
jokes.drawings.funny noises.sweet words.hugs.kisses.first step.first tooth.memories.that's what my blog is.
Monday, April 25, 2011
meet San Francisco
that's what kainoa wants to change his name to. that was as of last friday. oh, and he wants to name his dog (that we don't have) Super Dog. that's all.
kava and mama
easter 2011
easter was busy. had some good food and good easter egg hunts. the kids woke up to easter baskets and a quick hunt at our house. we hid confetti eggs and it was a hit.
kava looked so cute in his sweater vest outfit:
kainoa was handsome in his suit. he did not want to take this thing off:
kymora was beautiful of course:
i loved being at my grandma's house watching the 3 set of kids hunt for eggs. babies, preteens, and teens plus twenty somethings hunting. it was so fun to watch.
kava and adalyn were the youngest. they got their own personal egg hunt. i think kava got 5 bucks and some skittles. score!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
someone is almost 1!
my kava boy is just a few weeks shy of turning one...
i just had to post these pics of him. so cute. the boy loves gabba gabba.
he does the hand motion to the infamous, 'i have 2 hands' and claps at the appropriate time. he pretends he has phone and tries to talk on it. one of my favs: he gives high fives :) and below he is making noises with his hand. genius, i say... genius.
we love our kava cakes....
Friday, April 15, 2011
berkely meets lbc
the girls came down for a quicky trip. their spring break so, we had to make it happen.
tala, malaya, kyks, kainoa, and kava together. we went to the park, played at the house, and just made a lot of great memories. like their mom and i did when we were young (you too jame and jenn!)
cakes 10 and 11 months!
yes, 2 posts in one. how sad. kava, please know that it's not you. it's me ;) although you keep me quite busy, i should make time to take more pics and blog.
i can't believe how upside down my life is with just one more baby. well that combined with 2 kids in different sports, practice, homework, house stuff (boo), i am truly exhausted by the time he goes to bed.
kava is a true joy. this kid is such a giggly baby. at night he lays on his side, puts his arms out to my neck and smiles. he smiles in his sleep. he smiles when you meet him. he laughs so easily. and he has such a funny laugh.
lately he's been pretty sick (teething, ear aches, the runs..) so i didn't take much pics. although kava is funny, he isn't the easiest kid on the block ;) he is antsy and boy does this guy move. he hates baby food and likes the real stuff. the kids barley has 6 teeth. he eats anything! fish, rice, potatoes, avocados, tomatoes (yes, tomatoes...), soups, chicken, anything. i love it. he's quite the snively baby though, 21 lbs, 31 inches at his 11 month app. he is ready to walk. he stands, furniture walks, so it's any time now.
i love how his sisters and brothers love on him. and he totally loves on them. it's hectic nowadays, but i wouldn't have it any other way.
why hello there....
i've fell off the blogging train, once again. got lots to share this mid april ;)
kainoa started playing baseball this season. i'm not a baseball fan, but i guess it's true that when your kid plays, it gets interesting. i have to admit, this kid looks good in this uniform.
his first game he scored a 'home run' and didn't have to hit off the T. let's not talk about the rest of the games though.
love this kid to pieces. he's in prek still and still quite the ladies man. we have our talks that girls can only be friends.
me- kainoa, can you hug girls?
k- no mom.
me- can you kiss girls?
k- no mom.
me- what can you do?
k- high fives. ;)
he's going to start kindy next year :( i have to keep up this blog....
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