kainoa keeps singing christmas songs, talking about santa. i love it. kyks is just as excited.
this year at kainoa's school play, he played joseph. too cute. especially because when kymora was his age, she was mary.
on another note, kava is seven months. dr's report, he's under weight. what?! 17lbs. he kind of sits up, then falls over. doesn't really crawl. does the army-ish kind though. fine with me. ;) more for me to hold and fuss over.
I'm baaaack stalking your blog. One of my new year's resolutions. :) good blog, auts!
why didnt kava wear that for me when i was there?! that hat is like icing on cake :)
kainoa makes the cutest joseph.
now auts, can you reply to my email so i can steal your blog template?
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