kava- i'm sure you'll hear this story a million times, but while it's fresh in my head i'm sure this is the most accurate version.
may 6th 330 am, i felt unusual contractions. i waited an hour thinking they would go away, but they got stronger. we called your lolo and lola to come and take care of the your ate and kuya, then drove to lb memorial. by this time it was close to 6 am. the nurses didn't want to admit me because i was only dilated 3.5 cms. i guess the policy is 4 cms. one really cool nurse came in and said, 'ahh, let's just say you're 4 cms. i don't want to send you home'. i was elated. so was your dad. my due date was may 7th, and i just thought you would be born 2 weeks early. boy was i wrong. so, you can probably tell that we were just anxious to have you. well, the not so fun part about not really being dilated 4cms was they had me walk the hospital for an hour. by this time it was maybe close to 8am. by 10 am i went from 4cms to 8cms. then another hour of painful contractions went by because i would not dilate to 9. mind you, i did not have an epidural. 11 am rolled around, nothing... this was probably the hardest part for me. the contractions were 3-4 mins apart. by noon, i had to push but the d*mn doctor hadn't arrived at the hospital. the nurses had to hold your head in until the doctor came. the doctor had just put on his last glove and you popped out. i couldn't wait anymore. i pushed you out by 12:15 pm.
you were 8.4 lbs, 21 inches. 10 fingers, 10 toes. you had small beautiful lips (totally different from your sister and brother), and your nose, was ... well... we will say, 'puffy' ;) you were lovely.
your first visitor was tita leah who thank god snapped these pictures w/her phone.

that's your story. i'm sure we will have many more on this blog, mr. kava cakes.
Got me all teary!!
kava cake is so ka-cute. correction, muelu's parents were the 1st visitor. ran into them when i got out of the elevator. heller
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