i do like romantic mushy stuff.. i totally fall for it. but when life is so full of chaos, craziness, business, the day to to day stuff is what matters.
so, here it is, valentine's day and muelu has to help his sister move. but, i really don't mind. he's stepped up so much during these 7 months, what's one man made holiday? on top of going to school full time, he makes dinner 90% of the time, does the laundry (folds and has kyks put it away) 98% of the time, gives baths, makes desserts (mmm), cleans the house, does the grocery shopping, and helps w/kymora's homework. he did her doll project w/her, reviewed for her spelling test, took her to school for me. so to me, that's romance. he hepls out so much with out ANY complaints ;) **btw, i've had a difficult pregnancy, i'm not just watching oprah eating bon bons. well, my difficult pregnancy is why i watch oprah and eat bon bons.. er, brownies.
anyway, i just wanted to make sure muelu knows how much we appreciate him and recognize all he does for us. we love you daddy! happy valentine's day.
**ps those are hearts the kids are making.. well, kyks it's obvious, kainoa.. well..
kyks heart is perfect. no explanation needed. kainoa's tshirt is so him. happy heart day guys.
i heart muelu too. and your kids and yu, my "sister"
valentines is over. craving some new pics of the crazies.
A i haven't been over in forever because you haven't updated in forever. B you've been updating like crazy. C your pics are looking good! D your kids are crazy cute. E i love when you don't work so much and get on the internet more :)
valentines is OVER!
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