make that a whole lotta rain! this week so cal's prediction- storm, storm, storm. today was a holiday so we didn't have work/school. when the rain started to hit hard daddy made paper boats and 'raced' them along the curb. the kids loved the idea of putting on some jackets and playing in the rain. the funny thing is, my dad used to do the same thing w/me. we'd walk for what seemed liked hours racing these homemade paper boats. the rain was a bonus. on a day where most parents wouldn't let their kids step out, my dad and muelu encouraged it.

after some paper boat racing, we headed to the park. yes, the park. muelu took us to the park where he would boogy board down the grass hills in the rain. the kids had a blast. unfortunately, the rain slowed down, but they got some good 'air' going down the wet, muddy, grass hills. we go back this week if it rains again, where will definitely bring my camera.
we are now home enjoying the warm heat, coffee and some tv :)
so now they're ready to visit the Bay! yaay!
muelu and your dad are cool. i didn't know freddie boy did that with you too. so sweet naman.
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