this kid is too funny. he's a typical boy for sure. i woke up one morning to find him giving his cars a car wash. since we have dirt in the yard, the water turned our yard into one big 'mudpuddle' as kainoa calls it. he was getting down and dirty in this mud puddle.
he loves to take a bath. but of course he has to have at least 2 cars in with him. he talks soo much. all i hear all day is mommmmmmmmm, mommmmmmm, or daaaaadddddd, daddddddd, or ate, ate.
the other day i noticed he was flooding in some jeans that were too big for him not too long ago. he is getting big way too fast.
at 3 years and 4 months kainoa is really really into... CARS still. max and ruby, wow wow wubzzy, apples, waffles, MEAT, backpacks (or rescue packs as he calls it), legos, and my pumpkin bread :) he really is so much fun.
omg!! how did i miss this post! hysterical! washing his cars in the backyard. lol.
his reaction made my xmas. thanks kai kai. loving you.
looks like fun kai!
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