my baby is officially 7 years old now. where did time go? it seems like just yesterday that she laid on the couch pillow and looked so tiny on it. now, she is almost to my chin asking me if she can have skinny jeans :)
my girl is pretty awesome though. she absolutely loves to cook, or help cook. she's a great help around the house (she started making the rice for us;). she's a great big sister, over protective at times, a teacher at other times. but, don't get me wrong, they do fight like cats and dogs, too.
we are so much a like, it's scary. but, in the same respect, she is very different from me. she's athletic, loves to dance (me, not so much), loves to show case such listed talents.
anyway, i'm very proud of kymora. this year she stood up for what she believes in with some 'fast' classmates. she is all about family. she is loyal everyone she loves. this makes me just want to put her in a glass jar so no one will ever hurt her.
i used to say i wanted a boy first, but i'm so happy she was my first born. she's my girl.
the wee first born brings tears to me eyes!
?! Did I just read that Kymora had "fast" classmates??
beautiful pics auts. i can't believe it's been 7 years already. i love that girl of yours.
love you kymora, happy birthday from the bay!
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