lately, i've really been working a lot. i miss my kids. for lent (yes, i said lent) i'm making a little more effort to spend quality time w/my kids when i get home. not just turn on the tv, cook, and send them off to bed. isn't that a sad promise? spend more time w/kids? it should be automatic.
i've really been torn between work and home the past couple months. i was offered a chance to get promoted, and i had to turn it down. i keep wondering if i made a mistake. but, i realized that when my kids are older, i'd regret not spending enough time with them and not turning down the promotion. when i'm on my deathbed i'm sure i'm not going to say, 'i wish i spent more time at work making money'.
i just do not want to miss out on my kids. plain and simple. it may seem odd that i don't want to climb that career ladder, but honestly, it's just not important to me. soo, i'm staying that little human resources person. not making six figures. but i'll be the mom who never missed a game, who volunteered in class, made cupcakes, valentine decorations, read cars books over and over again, went to the park, pushed the kids on the swing, played guitar hero, made hot dinners, cold sack lunches, combed gum out of their hair, gave hugs and kisses, kept promises, put the kids on time out, stopped fights, kissed owies, etc etc etc. my decision is sounding better already :)
i totally agree. good decision auts. cute smile my son.
despite the potty training! you are a fabulous mom!! kiddin bout the PT! ;)
that's the best kind of mom. plus muelu will be making the big bucks soon so you'll be fine. hang on for just one more year sister.
you are a great mommy :)
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