a lot has been happening in our little family...
kymora is in the 1st grade :) has some new friends, but is adjusting well. she still loves soccer and now polynesian dancing. she danced a samoan siva for kai's 1st bday.
i often find him with cars in his pockets, in bed with him, pretty much everywhere he goes he has one car.
and night:
omg kyks looks soo BIG! i cant believe it!
man i haven't seen kyky in forever.
and the winner of the worst non-baptized ninang ever pageant is...jason rangal!! ;p
anywho, she's so big! and that boy that's in all these pictures, so cute! who is he again?? ;)
i should really see you guys soon. let's make it happen shall we??
forget the kid-- where'd you get those yellow sheets?! nice!
so sad i missed kyks performance :( maybe she'll be kind enough to do a replay out here in the Bay for her favorite mama.
so glad my faborite blogger baddy is back in some actions! lub yu!
Looks like kynoa is losing his baby fat? Or is it just the hair that makes him look so thin?....hmmmm
aw i've missed you guys!!! they're all so cute, even TB :)
i know you taped kyks's performance right? ;) cutie. oh, kai kai hope you had fun on your bday party!
he looks so different now? like a lil boy instead of a lil baby-maybe it's the hair?
love their new pics you posted on the side :)
we need to get together so i can give you kai's gift...soon, like before next year, k? ;)
p.s. tell papa muelu to hook me up with surgical gloves too :)
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