Sunday, September 14, 2008

trucks and hanna montanna?

yes, that's hanna montanna.... as much as he loves trucks and cars, he likes dolls. especially babies. he likes to walk around with a baby and tell you he has a baby. i crack up. i just figure he'll be sensitive and tough.. that's a good combo.


mama mi'an said...

its his chair that cracks me up!

Unknown said...

GO KYMORA!!!!!!!! GO GO FIGHT FIGHT! lol thats awesome that your playing soccer! i want to see you play! you sound so good!

kater :) said...

those are blackmale (sp)photos right there!

Andrea said...

hopefully that's the right combo. he is sensitive, i must say. i think it's time for a bigger chair.

Celestine said...

first my towel, then my chair. he must love me a lot :)

Jenn said...

haha..he is soo chillin on that chair:) love it!