jokes.drawings.funny noises.sweet words.hugs.kisses.first step.first tooth.memories.that's what my blog is.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
trucks and hanna montanna?
yes, that's hanna montanna.... as much as he loves trucks and cars, he likes dolls. especially babies. he likes to walk around with a baby and tell you he has a baby. i crack up. i just figure he'll be sensitive and tough.. that's a good combo.
its his chair that cracks me up!
GO KYMORA!!!!!!!! GO GO FIGHT FIGHT! lol thats awesome that your playing soccer! i want to see you play! you sound so good!
those are blackmale (sp)photos right there!
hopefully that's the right combo. he is sensitive, i must say. i think it's time for a bigger chair.
first my towel, then my chair. he must love me a lot :)
haha..he is soo chillin on that chair:) love it!
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