Tuesday night, my family and i saw Wicked. just the bidaure sisters and their daughters. it was so much fun. i totally loved the play, the storyline, the singing, everything!!!

we hardly get together and do stuff like this. usually the bidaures just gather and grub. but this was such a nice experience. my mom really wanted to see it, so i was so happy to take her.
i loved the play so much, i'm thinking of quitting my day job and become a professional actress ;)
i've always wanted to c that play!!! LUCKY!
<3 kira
awww...you went? thas a bury big buncha bidaures! love em all! :)
i loved that night too. the last play we saw together was miss saigon over 10 yrs ago. and we still had some grub thanks to your mom's sunflower crackers, the hot dog, and that damn chocolate donut!
i want to go again! we loved it too.. i need to take kira!
aw, mama-daughter-sister outing. how special
Don't let me get on your case like I did your friend JRo!
we took jae for her bday last month and we loooooooved it too! jae listens to the soundtrack 24/7!! Pop-u-LAR!! :)
i think we should all fly to new york and watch the little mermaid on broadway (:
oh lord. teal wicks better watch her back.
don't say i never read your blog. ;)
don't tell kyx!
oh i luvvvvv wicked! i've watched it 4 times... 3 in the last 3 months!!!
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