Friday, August 22, 2008

missin' them already!

we had visitors last week from up north :) mihan and her kids came to stay with us. we then met up with jenn and jamie and their clans for some cousin bonding time. i always have fun with my cousins, but at the same time makes me sad when i think of how much time we DON'T spend together.
jamie, the photographer had to get some shots of course (with the nudging of ming and i.. lol)

and one of the clan minus the 2 and under crew:

i love you guys!
ps.. ming, where the pics at?!

Monday, August 4, 2008

first concert

kyks went to her first concert last nite! we took her to the hollywood bowl to see ub40, beres hammond and berington levy. that was such a great line up!! it was really nice at the bowl, first time for me :)

she got ansty at some parts, but was dancing when ub40 came on. i'm so glad that she likes reggae. we got to pack snacks and drinks. next time we will bring a full on picnic, something the bowl lets you do. i didn't bring my camera thinking they'd wouldn't let me take it in.. not... i get there and people have full on video recorders, cameras.. ugh.
we loved having her there with us. muelu was really excited for her.... she's our new reggae partner... next will be bubba :)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

i'm sold!

Tuesday night, my family and i saw Wicked. just the bidaure sisters and their daughters. it was so much fun. i totally loved the play, the storyline, the singing, everything!!!
we hardly get together and do stuff like this. usually the bidaures just gather and grub. but this was such a nice experience. my mom really wanted to see it, so i was so happy to take her.

i loved the play so much, i'm thinking of quitting my day job and become a professional actress ;)