kymora has always been fond of cooking, cooking shows, cook books, i guess food in general :) so, yesterday she made some chips out of flour tortillas and paired it with salsa. it was simple, but very good. she loves watching the lakers with me, so she wanted to make a snack for our big game against the bobcats...

spring break is almost over, so me and muelu took off a few days. we took a nice walk, went to the beach, went to story time.. got some ice cream.. a very laid back week. next week, the chaos begins...
aww i love the picture of kuya muelu pulling kainoa in the wagon (:
no wonder you've been blogging, you're on break.
wow kyks! you must share your recipe with me. those look delicious. i'm sure you're brother enjoyed too.
i LOVE that pic of k in the wagon!!! he's so cute. no wonder you haven't been returning emails :)
and dangit, our spring break starts today... we missed each other.
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