we said goodbye to our house in November. muelu is going back to school, so we have to make a few sacrifices and one of them was putting the house up for rent. i'm so proud of muelu for his drive and his motivation, which essentially is his family. i love how he just pushes himself to be the best. he never takes the easy way out. he works hard, whether it be at a hospital, in the yard, in the garage, or in the kitchen, he puts his all into it. he's a great role model for the kids.
so, good bye house!! we'll miss you! but it's so worth it :)
wow- 2 days in a row? : )
huge sacrifice- huge payoff. so proud of you guys! love you guys!!!
Ditto! so proud of papa muelu :) love yu guys!!!
too bad he's so anal about the fridge door.
JUST PLAYIN' MUELU! dont be mad.
so proud. so proud.
Really? Where are you guys staying now? I'm so proud of you guys. Huge sacrafice...even bigger reward! It'll go by fast and all be worth it! :) Are you closer/further away?
btw..i am sure that was YU my clumsy pinsan that made those tire marks over your address parking huh? hehehe
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