(excuse the blurry shot- i was not behind the camera. obviously..lol)
ok, so the guilt did kick in. we didn't have a big ol' shin-dig, partaaaay, celebration for kainoa's first. 'buuuut how cooooould you?! it's his first birthday' we constantly got asked. our response or our mantra should i say, became, 'he wont remember it. he wont be able to enjoy it.' that was our story and we stuck to it. (side note- kainoa, when you are old enough to read this, we do NOT favor your sister. your 3rd bday will be a blaaaaast) hehe.
what we did do though was have a lunch with my mom and dad and my mom's side on saturday. sunday we went to my inlaws and my parents came over. short.sweet.nice.
"party #1"
reason #4456 why i didn't have a party:
o my stars... he DOES look like such a big boy in that last shot! ha- i am so with you on not throwing a big shindig. no worries mama--- christmas will be here soon enough- you chose well not to spend your money. LOL
what did you end up getting him anyways?
so handsome. i can't believe my boy is one. oh the memories. did you get that video i sent you of him crawling backwards?
so sad i missed his bday... not that i was invited. but youre right, big bdays are a waste, especially when the celebrant falls asleep! ha.
happy birthday baby! love you!
"Buuuuuuut how cooooooould yu?!?! it's is first birthday!" j/k
hehe love your lil disclaimer to kainoa :)
btw, he does look like a big boy now...does he still do the
G-crawl? hehe love it!
awww, you didn't rent out the beach because i wouldn't have been able to make it? how thoughtful of yu (: lol jk, ate autumn!
as always, love the pictures!
love and miss all of you!
Yeah...I must've been on the no-invite to the un-big shindig with Amihan. Asleep or not, bday parties are fun! :) (Or did I just want a reason to travel less than 10 miles to see my Autobus? Either way...wish him a big-ole birthday from me and the girls!...(oh and paul)
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