i know i’ve only blogged about the sad things going on, but there has been some exciting things happening with us too!

first, kyks graduated from pre-k. i can’t believe she is going to be in kinder next year. i can’t believe she is going to be 5. i wish someone would just stop time so i can enjoy my babies while they are still babies.

kymora's friends brandon and jade, my good friends eileen and shannons kids. i'll miss them :(

the kids and my mil

after the ceremony, we all went to kymora’s favorite restaurant, panda inn, which she calls panda bear. honey walnut shrimp.. mmmm mmm! it was nice because tuki and lawrence made it. kinda sad because lawerence leaves friday to go back to Samoa :(

second, mr. man is CRAWLING! Ha! it’s a lazy crawl (both legs together, pulling himself around with his upper body only) but it’s getting better everyday. it’s kinda cute because kymora gets all nervous if i leave him on the floor to crawl around. she sits infront of him and tells me ‘mommy, could you just please put him in the playpen. i’m scared he’ll hurt his head’. She is so protective of him. she never gets mad at him when he pulls her hair or slaps her (in excitement of course). she just says- it’s ok, he’s a baby :)

second, mr. man is CRAWLING! Ha! it’s a lazy crawl (both legs together, pulling himself around with his upper body only) but it’s getting better everyday. it’s kinda cute because kymora gets all nervous if i leave him on the floor to crawl around. she sits infront of him and tells me ‘mommy, could you just please put him in the playpen. i’m scared he’ll hurt his head’. She is so protective of him. she never gets mad at him when he pulls her hair or slaps her (in excitement of course). she just says- it’s ok, he’s a baby :)

*sorry if pics are dark, i can't tell on my computer at work. shhh.
sensitive and afraid of grass? oh no.... he is lazy, huh? by the way, why aren't there any pictures of the bidaure's, gonzalez, wickham and delacruz families at kyky's grad? stop keeping us in the dark!!
lol he's afraid of grass ahahahahahahahaha. aww, i almost choked on my granola bar.
ooooooh graduation! :) loove that dress! she's so grown up! scared of grass?! loove the faces he was making in the ones on top! :)
Does Kai scream like he cries? He looks terrified in that pic! LOL Congrats to Kymora! I still remember Sam's PreK graduation, and now she's almost 10! I agree about the whole time thing...seriously, it goes by too fast (and too slow when you don't want it to, i.e. traffic, baking, after a good show that doesn't come on for another week!...you know what I mean)
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