i haven't posted pics from our memorial day bbq galore, so here it is. didn't take as many pics as i thought, but a few shots of the kids are what's important. us younger yu's are trying to do an annual bbq so the kids can get together play, swim, bond. just like their momma's did when we were young.
seeing our kids play makes me happy since we were so close growing up- jenn, chanda, jamie, and amihan and jay.i hope we try a little harder to get together. and not just once a year.
(i am missing some of the waters kids and alexa in these shots, jame pls. send!!!)it was nice seeing you girls. :)
The 2nd(official) annual re-YU-nion(missed 2006:( was another success! :) And thank yu aut's & muelu for hosting again, and mmm..mmm those burgers were goooood, thanks ming for pushing that, ehhe:) hey, we planned this in what? 2002? it wasn't until 2005 that we made it happen--we really gotta quit with the laggin on all hooking up again...look how big the kids got... the 2 new additions to the yu tribe--kainoa's is standing & snackin on crackers & someone ELS is walking? goodness! let's starting plannin...it was nice, thanks and love yu! xoxo,j
btw, it's J-A-E-D-E-N :)
<3 yu!
Auts...I wish I brought my camera!!! Jame: send them to us! I know I'm not a "YU"...but I had so much fun! I am hoping and wishing and praying that you guys enbite me one more time (sorry got carried away with that one!) I loved the dip Amihan! Thanks Jen for filling up all those water balloons! Thanks Auts for hosting and Muelu for the BBQ. Thanks Jame for the kabobs! Love you girls! Love it even more that our kids played together :)
awwww sooo sweet.. we're all getting mushy now. :) haha i had fun.
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