Wednesday, May 16, 2007

8 months!

the clock is ticking! my boy is almost a year old. this is his thing right now. saying 'mmaaa..mmmmma' (he was doing it as i was taking the shot) i'd like to think he is calling for me, but i think he's just into the mmm sound. he is semi starting to crawl. i think i should just bypass that whole stage and go straight for walking. still no teeth, still the lover :)
the kid babbles so much. he laughs hard and sleeps hard. that's my boy at 8 months. whew, that went by so fast.


jamie said...

oh he looks so different now!!!! like such a big boy. awwwwww. love that he calls you mmamama. :) not like the traitor E over here...sayign dada first..HA! :)
these are cute pics autsy. :)

alicante said...

Girl...the "mmmmmmm" sound counts as mama! That's what I keep telling myself! : )
Oh BTW, you left his cloth diaper here. Next time you need like 5 when you come over. I washed that along with the onesie that he never put on, instead used as a wipe, the crib sheet and the crib protector sheet. mmmmhmmm...and I'm missing a rattle-teether! I know you took it sticky fingers!

kater :) said...

mrs. has already been 8 months? noooo! he is super adorable in those pics...but i couldnt expect anything more.

Andrea said...

doesn't the mmmmm sound apply to food? he's probably thinking mmmm, i'd rather have that sinigang than this rice cereal, mmmm. he is soooo sweet and cute. lucky auts!